Your Rights, Our Business

Rights Holders Are At The Heart of Everything We Do 

Compact began its journey in 1996 to build a business that put film and television rights holders’ interests firmly at its heart. Over the last 25 years, Compact has become the largest independent administrator of Audio-Visual Secondary Rights (AVSR) royalties in the world.

Trust, Consistency, and Innovation

Compact’s 25 years makes us your trusted partner. Driven by our quest to deliver consistent results, we have developed specialist teams – Revenue Assurance, Conflicts, Royalties, Client Services, along with data solutions that deliver. 

Consistency drives Compact in providing a service that maximises your income. 

Compact has placed Innovation at its forefront, whether its promoting new efficiencies through in-house systems, streamlining our external registration processes with societies, or developing new business models. 

Compact consistently delivers growth with a focus on providing reliability of income, trust of service and financial stability through experience, expertise, and innovation. 

For more information on our AVSR service

please contact:

Cate Hemmings, SVP Business Development
or call +44 (0)20 3793 0559

What Are…
Audio-Visual Secondary Rights?

Audio Visual Secondary Rights (AVSR) come into existence once there has been a primary broadcast of a film or TV program on a qualifying terrestrial (free to air) TV channel. 

The key rights include: 

  1. Simultaneous Cable/Satellite Retransmission (or Direct Injection) - A fee is paid by cable or satellite operators to the rights society for the unaltered and simultaneous retransmission of all works (including your catalogues) on the television broadcast made available to their subscribers. 

  2. Private Copy - A levy is imposed on the manufacturer or importer of recording media to compensate for the private domestic copying of all works (including your catalogues) 

  3. Educational Copying - similar to Private Copy with a fee being paid by an educational institution for the right to copy works (including your catalogues) from the television broadcast for their educational purposes. 

One of the most significant opportunities is that a single broadcast can generate multiple separate payments across territories.

As a broadcast is generally the trigger for allocation of funds by rights societies, knowing where and when your works have been broadcast means we can identify with precision what royalties are due to you.  Compact excels at tracking broadcasts of its clients’ catalogues. We monitor the top 300+ channels covered by the AV collecting societies using our own proprietary system MRIT (Media Rights in International Transmissions). 

For Recent Quotes, Press and Coverage:-

  1. Testimonials: What Our Clients Say About Us

  2. C21 Opinion Piece (June21) - Keeping Tabs of Your IP

  3. Broadcast (July21) - AVSR: The Revenue Stream that Indies are Missing

  4. PACT Virtual Roadshow (May21) ‘The Devil Is In The Detail: Secondary Rights’

All3Media International cannot recommend Compact highly enough – from
the early days of the All3Media Group they have been our exclusive AVSR
solution, and continue to deliver us outstanding results.

As well as increasing annual royalties, Compact gives us peace of mind
that our rights are being handled with the same care and attention (and
tenacity!) as our producers who created the shows themselves. Their updates
throughout the Brexit recent process have been impressive, and Compact
continue to innovate and grow.”
— John Wagener COO/ CFO - All3Media International